Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How Have You Traumatized Your Child Lately?

After yesterday's nap time I had to run an errand to Menard's. Initially, Little Bear was not so happy about having to go and since explaining that two-year-olds cannot stay home alone didn't seem to change his mind, I resorted to bribery. Dog bribery.

"If we go to Menard's maybe we can look in the pet area and pick out a new toy for you and Dog to play with!" That did it, he was all about getting something for his loyal companion. 

After much debate, we settled on a horned monster. 

Upon arriving home, Little Bear ran in to give his well chosen toy to his best buddy. Dog could not have cared less. He didn't even bother dropping his rawhide-pacifier. Rawhide pacifier? It's totally a thing. Dog has anxiety issues. He carries a rawhide around in his mouth for months at a time and never eats it. It soothes him. He's effed up. Anyways, he didn't even bother to switch out his paci for the prized monster. 

Little Bear threw the monster aside and resorted to just chasing Dog around the house until one/both were distracted by something else. 

Later when the hubs came home, I asked Little Bear if he had showed Daddy the new toy he got for Dog. We went on the hunt and found the monster where it had been discarded earlier. Little Bear and I then started a jovial game of tug o' war with Dog and our new monster friend.

And then things got sad.

About ten tugs in, Dog won. He ripped the monster's head off. And he didn't stop there. He proceeded to rip all of the stuffing from the monster's beheaded torso. To which Little Bear responded in horror. From there, Dog ran down the hall and ripped the rest of our poor monster to pieces. In Little Bear's playroom.

"He break monster! He broke his heeeeead! Monster not have a head! Dog in there and broke monster! Bad Dog! You hurt monster!"

Oh, and how he sobbed. It. Was. Awful. 

Eventually, Little Bear calmed down and we had a talk about how dogs do different things with their toys than little boys do. We also learned the reasons why we should not ever let Dog play with our toys.

He will murder them.

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