Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nap Time. Oh, Glorious Nap Time

I fear we may be approaching the end. The end of Little Bear's glorious 2-3 hour daily naps. Oh, how beautifully spoiled I was. How does a child go from monster naps each day that he actually WANTS to take and gladly says, "Night, night" for to screaming in his crib for an hour?!

Everything will seem exactly the same leading up to nap time. Read books, cuddle, lots of yawns and eye rubbing, sing a song, drifting off, put him in his crib.... and suddenly my sweet Little Bear starts to channel a two-year-old-anti-sleep-demon. "No nap! Want to go out there! Want different shirt! Need Mommy! Mommy come in here! Need to take socks off! Noooo need night niiiiiiight!" For the past two days he has had a hoarse as a result.

I'm hoping it's just a faze that is the result of a vacation followed by a couple of weeks of odd schedules. Dude is tired. Dude still seems like he needs a nap. Dude is still waking up at 6 am!

Are the days of my mid-day sleeping angel over?!
If I mentally wish for it enough, things will return to the way they were, right!?

Or not.

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